A Small Beginning

Jesus came small. Too small for some. He entered humanity as an infant born to a poor couple from Nazareth. His appearance was marked by a bit of spectacle, but that display was reserved for shepherds; crusty, hard-scrabble men who watched over their flocks even in the dark and cold of night. These working men, small people by society’s standards, were treated to a visitation of angels, a glorious host proclaimed the news of Christ’s coming directly. No riddles, no rhymes, no parables, no puzzles for these guys. Just the facts — “Unto you this day is born the Savior, Christ The Lord.” He’s in the city of David, in Bethlehem, said the angels. How will you know Him? Think small. Think poor. The Savior will be a baby, swaddled in rags, lying in a feeding trough. The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay. This is how the Christmas song goes.
God came small. It was this way because small things are seen only by those who focus. Jesus was and is missed by many. If Jesus came big, as someone with weight to throw around, some would attach themselves to His party but never open their hearts to know Him and welcome Him. Many people, maybe most people, seek to be part of the popular. They revel in being “with” it. The famous and fabulous captivate them. The selfie culture perpetuates being pictured with someone rather being someone.
Jesus came small. This points to His humility. The One who made all things subjected Himself to His own order in all Creation. He walked and talked, this was how His message got out. He slept and wept, this is how His humanity and heart were revealed. Those looking for Him saw Him and Knew Him. Simeon, a determined old saint, hung his faith on a promise from the Spirit. The word Simeon got was that his life would be complete when he saw the Lord’s salvation. He came daily to the Temple with this expectation in his heart.
God came small. There He was now in Simeon’s arms, the baby, the Son of Mary and Joseph. Simeon was looking for Him. When He came, Simeon knew Him. There are people such as this everywhere. The Bible story shows us. With Simeon was a widow, Anna. She, too, abiding in the place of worship looking for the One to worship. The wise men of the East studied the sky and were given a star to follow, a simple sign. These astronomers, men of science and seeming intelligence take note and take action. Their discerning hearts told them that this star belonged to a king and not just any king, the King of the Chosen People of Israel.
Jesus came small. Peace on earth, how does happen? The angels told the shepherds that peace was, in fact, on earth. Rulers and ambassadors and diplomats fashion complicated treaties and agreements. These work for a season, but men violate the vows they make so easily. Peace is not in words, it is in Person of the Word, the Person of Christ. Embrace Him and peace is found. Oh, not worldwide, political, cultural harmony — this is not what Jesus came to bring. That’s big. He came small. Peace came small, by human standards. He had no public relations campaign.
God came small. See Him in struggling, but determined families. This is where He is big, really big. They hold fast to Him in prayer. They shout and sing and believe. And God shows up for them. I know this. I saw this. And I’ve never been the same.