Kingdom and the King

“Let your Kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven. …”

In these days when we hear and read of confused governments and outrageous politicians, we can take comfort in knowing that God is on His Throne. He is seated above Creation. He is Lord of all.

He rules. There is no other like Him. Let’s consider what the Bible tells about His Kingdom, and what it means from the divine side of things.

Matthew’s gospel is the gospel of Jesus the King. It opens with these words: “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.” At once, the writer established that Jesus was of royal lineage, a descendant of the family covenanted to rule and reign over God’s chosen nation.

One of the original 12 Apostles, Matthew traced the Savior’s ancestry and set it forth as evidence of His claim to the throne of Israel. He followed this record with the birth account that featured the little town of Bethlehem, the ancestral of home of King David.

Taken together, these first paragraphs of the New Testament emphasized the kingdom on Earth. But there was more to the royalty of Jesus. It is seen in the story of the Magi who came to Jerusalem seeking the Son of David, the one born “King of the Jews.”

It was the Star that shone in the sky that captured the attention of these learned ones. Longtime students of the heavens, of the constellations and the galaxies, they took note of this brightest of lights. It was Heaven’s  testimony of the Kingdom’s coming.

Word of Jesus’ coming was enough to stir things in this world. The news of the King brought trembling to Jerusalem, the city of David, the place where this shepherd king established his throne and set in motion the construction of the great Temple dedicated to the Lord. The priests and scribes knew the words of the prophets, but seemed not to believe them. There was no joy among them, only anxiety over what might happen.

Herod, the ruler of this city and its region, feigned homage while he plotted to eliminate any challenge to his authority. The Roman despot was ruthless. He would not tolerate another King in his domain. When the news of Jesus’ whereabouts never came, Herod ordered a purge of all boys 2 years old and under. This king slew many sons and brought sorrow to the region.

But then Herod died. His kingdom came and went with him. Another took up his place.

An Everlasting Rule

Jesus came as King of an everlasting Kingdom, one of Truth. He did not flex His muscles and push His way to His Throne. He came to claim His rule in a way so contrary to the world’s ways. He came first as the Lamb of God. His time to roar will surely come. It will have all the sound and fury that we think of when there is grand and glorious triumph.

But first, there was the matter of winning hearts to Him.

There are two phrases we read in the Gospels:  Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven. These mean different things.

The Kingdom of Heaven is the big picture. God rules and reigns from above. All is under Him and His authority. He is sovereign in His purposes. His providence brings life to all creatures. The seas and all that is in them belong to Him. The cattle on the thousands of hills are His.

The Kingdom of God, however, speaks of something seemingly small, but infinitely more precious to Him – our hearts. He is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance. For this reason, He so loved the world through the one and only Son.

Proverbs 8:31 says that God rejoices in the habitable parts of His earth; He delights to be with the sons of men. The Kingdom of God is something we enter into through our relationship to Him. John 3:3 makes it plain: “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

All are born subject to the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who choose the narrow way of salvation enter into the large place, into the Kingdom of God, through their submission to Him.

Person and Relationship

The issue is really one of Person and our relationship to that Person. Christ in us is our hope of glory, but without Christ in us, we would be left on the outside looking in as it related to the Kingdom of God.

Jesus said this to a group of religious leaders in Luke 17. They were demanding answers about the where and the when of the coming Kingdom. The Lord addressed their misconceptions head on – “the Kingdom of God does not come with observation … for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21).

Some think that Kingdom of God living simply involves being in the right places at the right times and seasons. This is the essence of religious practice. Do this, do that, be here, be there, show up, work up, follow the rules, etc.

Paul clarified things with his definition in Romans 14: “the Kingdom of God is not meat or drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17).

The Kingdom of God life is about God and our fellowship with Him. Living waters flow from out of us and splash on those around us. Our nearness to Him is the thing makes a difference in this world. We can affect so many with the joy and righteousness that we have from Him. We live as lambs among wolves with meek and holy ways that point to the one true King.

The Lamb shall also roar as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. All will see Jesus that way at a time not so long from now. He shall take up His throne and every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Noah Found Grace, God Told Him to Build

Noah was a man who found grace among a grace-less population. The age in which he lived is described as one when every imagination of every heart was only “evil continually” (see Genesis 6:5).

Violence dominated human society. Bloodshed was common and celebrated it seems. We read of a man Lamech who made up a song about his killing prowess and sang it to his wives: “I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. …” (Genesis 4:23).

Grieved, the Lord determined to “blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land. …” The earth needed a thorough cleansing, a refreshment and renewal. Human practices so violated the design of God that even most mammals, birds, and creeping things were designated for destruction.

Think of the heart of God at this point. Consider the sorrow and hurt that must have touched Him. His purposes involved making beings with the power to choose. And with that power they decided to turn from Him and His ways.

A third of the angels followed Lucifer in his rebellion. A perfect, wise, and talented angel turned against the One who gave him his perfection, his mind, and his abilities.

The Lord formed man from the dust and quickened him to life with His very breath. Men and women multiplied as God has told them to do, but along with that multiplication grew a propensity with them toward deeper and deeper sin. Adam and Eve took the first bites from the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in Genesis 3. Their descendants swallowed more and more of what that tree had to offer. They imagined vain things and raged against each other (Psalm 2).

The results reached far – even beyond what had happened with the angels. Among the hosts of these creatures, the Lord could count two-thirds, a majority, on His side.

On earth, almost all seemed gone. Was there any among the millions upon the planet walking with God?

Yes. There was one.

“But Noah” — just one man, a solitary father with a small family –“found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” From this man, God would start again.

Obedience Before the World

The Lord told Noah the truth. The sins of man stunk, and their smell had reached high into heaven. A drastic measure was necessary now. The waters were coming, a flood would swamp all the land, even the highest of mountains and wash away the results of wickedness.

God’s plan required Noah’s obedience. He and his family would not be transported away as Enoch had been. This one man was given a plan and instructed in the way of salvation. Noah would build a boat according to a specific design and that vessel would hold all that God chose to call and rescue from the judgment He determined.

Where would Noah find the material for such a project? In the woods, that’s where. God sent Noah to the trees, to cull gopher wood. With this, Noah formed the boards, the beams, the rutter, and the rooms for the Ark.

This takes us back to the beginnings of mankind. Adam was told to dress and keep the trees of the Garden. Following his Fall, Adam and his wife hid away among those very trees as the Voice of God sought them in the cool of the day.

Noah was instructed to go back to the trees.  Make an Ark. Make it of wood. Cover it, inside and out, with pitch. This last substance likely came from pine resin, boiled and painted upon the vessel to make it water tight.

It was a big job. Notice that Noah was not given a deadline or even a timetable. He was called and told to build. That’s it.

A man called to stand alone in his generation had a lot to do. And he did it.

Noah’s work spoke for God. Peter makes reference to Noah as a “preacher of righteousness” during his days (see 2 Peter 2:5). Were there mockers and scoffers around him? I am sure there were. Those watching him could not understand. God was not in their thoughts.

Many mornings Noah likely had to drag himself out of bed and to the work site. He had to discipline his mind to hold fast to the promise of God.

Build, Noah did, day after day. He sawed the wood, drove the nails, made the rooms; he followed the plan given to him. It was simple, hard, unglamorous work stretched over years.

Faithful, this man made the Ark ready. Trust and obey, that’s all he could do. There was no other way. Work, watch, wait – these words Noah kept in mind.

Every now and then, he looked to the sky. I wonder how he felt at the sight of a cloud or two.

The Lord Shut Them In

One day animals started to show up. They, too, were moved by God, commanded by Him to come to the place of salvation. Noah welcomed all that God had sent – clean and unclean entered in to the rooms prepared for them.

At last came the word came from the Lord: “After seven days, I wills send the rain.” The animals entered the Ark followed by Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives – eight people in all. “And the Lord shut him in” (Genesis 7:10-24).

The waters poured down for 40 days and nights. The earth was soaked; its creatures drowned. Man’s sins brought judgment upon the world made for him.

“But Noah.”

The story of this man is a revelation to us of how God sees and how God knows. Another age of great evil is coming, and we see the seeds of it now. Jesus spoke of this age in teaching His disciples about the time of the end. “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37).

Just how bad will things get on the earth? As bad as things were in Noah’s time, Jesus said. This should come as no surprise. We see the direction of “civilization” and the road it is on.

How are we to think? What should we expect?

We should think with God and expect His promise to hold true.

“Fear not little flock, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” (Luke 12:32).

We are on the inside of the Ark, looking out. God called us. God saved us. God keeps us.

We wait. We watch. We pray. We look to the sky.

And, we work, building as “preachers of righteousness,” shut in as His people to reveal His glory.