Family Dynamics

“A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city; and their contentions are like the bars of a castle”  (Proverbs 18:19)

This phrase from Proverbs says much about family dynamics. Bad things do happen among relatives. And the Bible is not shy in its exposition of the struggles and conflicts that occur between people who are so close, among those bonded by blood, genetics, and community.

Just four chapters into Genesis we meet Cain and Abel, brothers and sons of Adam and Eve. What we read is a story of an offended brother and his descent into envy, rage, disappointment, and murder.

Cain slew Abel and, then, seemingly went about his business as a “tiller of the ground.” When the Lord opened a line of questioning about Abel’s whereabouts, Cain replied with a cold, hard question of his own: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (see Genesis 4:9).

A brother offended is hard indeed.

Cain took issue with how God dismissed his offering – something he brought from the fruit of the ground. The products of Cain’s labors were unacceptable in the economy of sacrifice. Abel, a shepherd, offered a firstling of his flock with its blood and its fat.

The respect paid to Abel’s sacrifice pained Cain. His frustrations ate at him until he vented them upon Abel and killed him. Hostilities do hit homes and hit them hard.

Human beings reach boiling points in their emotions, and those scalded are the ones nearest and dearest. It happens so readily. “Loved” ones bear the brunt of our expressions of disappointment; we easily and casually lash and trash wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors, fellow church members, etc.

Bury these realities?  The Bible does not do this.

A bit further in Genesis, we read of Ham, son of Noah, and how he made show of his father as lay drunk and uncovered. Ham broadcast the scene to his brothers, Shem and Japheth. The latter two refused to look upon their dad in such a state and took pains to get Noah covered. Upon hearing what Ham had done, father Noah pronounced a curse on his son and his offspring.

Yes, contentions are like the bars of a castle.

Genesis concludes with the story of Joseph and his 11 brothers. The dysfunction detailed here had its roots in father Jacob’s favoritism toward Joseph, the firstborn of his favored wife Rachel, whose womb had been dead for several years.

A coat of many colors had been given to Joseph, marking him among his brothers, and then came his dreams. His first night vision pictured 11 sheaves bowing before Joseph’s sheaf. The second featured the Sun, the Moon and 11 stars in obeisance to Joseph, a 17-year-old at the time.

The dreams — and perhaps his unwise speaking aloud of them — made his brothers ever more envious. One day, as the brothers were watching over the family flocks in Dothan, they saw Joseph and his many colored coat afar off. Like Cain, the frustrated brothers contrived a plot to kill their “dreamer” brother and squelch his visions (see Genesis 37).

The intervention of Reuben, the oldest among the brothers, spared Joseph from death. But the others saw an opportunity when a slave-trading caravan drew near. Joseph was sold, his colorful garment smeared with goat’s blood, and Jacob deceived into thinking his favorite had been torn and devoured in the wild.

The story ends dramatically and triumphantly for Joseph. He winds up in Egypt and, after some time in a prison under false pretenses, Joseph becomes a prince to Pharaoh. His wisdom from God helped the nation survive a grueling famine and also saved his father, brothers, and their families in the process.

Joseph saw God in all of what happened to him. His brothers grew anxious after the death of Jacob, their father.  They thought the memory of their offense against Joseph would mean retribution and revenge. “Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God?  But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.  Now therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones. And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them” (Genesis 50:19-20).

The God factor made the difference.

The Bible also is most open about troubles as it they come within the churches of Christ.  In Acts 6, we see that the young church at Jerusalem was already facing an issue related to the disparate treatment of Grecian and Hebrew widows in their midst. Offense happened and the Apostles let the church participate in the solution by asking the members to nominate deacons.

Psalm 133 presents an inelegant but telling picture of just what brings real unity. Unity, this psalm declares, comes and flows among people as the oil poured upon Aaron the high priest at his anointing ceremony. The oil ran down the beard and over Aaron’s clothes to the hem of his priestly robes.

Face it, this is rather messy imagery – a priest with stuff dripping from his hair and soaking into his clothing. And, yet, I think I see what God speaks to us in Psalm 133.

Oil in the Scriptures refers to the work of the Holy Spirit among the people of God. His oil, His anointing covers His people. The work of the Spirit falls; the oil drips and flows and soaks into the fabric of church life.

Church life can be disorderly and rough. Sinners come to Christ by grace through faith. With all growth, there are pains and these bring real hurt. These hurts can leave scars, too.

But the oil, the balm of God, soothes and restores. The Spirit and His moving soften the toughest skins and bring the fragrance of presence.

Yes, offended brothers and sisters are harder to be won. But it is worth all the effort it takes to win them.






A Bold Heart to Serve

Martha deserves better. She’s taken a lot of hits from preachers and teachers over the centuries because of a small bit of Scripture in Luke: “But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to Him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me” (Luke 10:40).

The phrase “cumbered about” has stuck to Martha. The Greek word used here is katargeo, which speaks of an over-occupation with cares or business. It also refers to the fruitlessness that comes with such a mindset. She was doing a lot and not really getting anything done. And she was missing out on what Jesus was saying to the group packed into her house.

Martha’s skills at organization and hospitality were such that Jesus and His disciples visited her home often. She and her sister and her brother, Lazarus, always made room for the Master and the crowd that followed after Him. The detail work of such visits, it seems, fell mostly to Martha. And on this occasion she felt the weight of the moment and made her feelings known.

Given the context of the passage, Martha was guilty as charged. Her own actions incriminate her. She did, after all, interrupt Jesus and His teaching to make her plea to Him.

The scene captures an inglorious moment in one life. All of us have had these moments for sure. Martha’s problem is that hers was recorded in one of the four gospel accounts of the life of Jesus Christ. Her frustration with her sister and the way that she asked Jesus to intervene are known to millions of Bible readers everywhere.

Let’s think about it a little more carefully. Martha did go to Jesus with her issue. We do not read of her backbiting behind Mary’s back. It’s not recorded that she sighed aloud to whoever would take heed, “I cannot believe my sister’s not helping with this party.”

Martha had a problem and she spoke to the Lord about it. He gave her an answer: “…Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41-42).

Perhaps, this wasn’t the answer Martha wanted to hear; it was one that she needed to hear, however. “Open rebuke is better than secret love,’ so reads Proverbs 27:5. Jesus withheld no truth. His love He never kept secret. He spoke to Martha out of love, just as He did in Mark 10 to the rich, young ruler who wanted to know how to inherit eternal life – “Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me” (Mark 10:21).

We gain a fuller picture of Martha when we consider passages about her from the gospel of John. There she is in John 11, just after her brother Lazarus has been laid in a tomb. She goes right to Christ, intercepting Him before He reaches her home in Bethany. She was bold and straightforward:  “If you had been here, my brother would not have died,” she said.

Jesus promised her that Lazarus would rise again. Martha knew this and she believed it in the general sense. Resurrection Day was coming for all who believed, she said. We read also that she told Him that she believed Him to be the Christ, the Son of God (see John 11:24-27).

This passage tells me that Martha did a lot of listening when Jesus was around. She was no casual hearer either. The doctrines related to the Person of Christ and to the life that is to come were things she held dear.

Later, at Lazarus’ tomb, Martha’s pragmatic bent prompted her to caution Jesus before He ordered the stone to be taken away. “Lord, he’s been dead four days – there’s going to be a stench” (see John 11:39).

Some may see her protest as an interference with the work of the Son. I don’t see it that way; I think it was Martha being Martha.

To me, this is the beauty of Martha. She never tried to be someone else. These raw and brash moments before Jesus reveal, I think, the sense of security she had in the presence of the Lord. Hebrews 4:16 does tell us “to come boldly to the throne of grace.”  Martha spoke boldly to the One who would sit on that throne of grace while He walked on earth.

Martha told Jesus what she thought and was unafraid of doing so. There’s a lesson for all of us in this.

Another telling sentence can be found at the beginning John 12, a chapter that opens with Jesus again at Martha’s house in Bethany. The sentence can get lost because here we also read of how Mary anointed Jesus with costly spikenard, an act that drew the scorn of Judas and set up his betrayal of the Son.

“There they made him a supper; and Martha served. …” reads the start of verse 2 of John 12.

Yes, there may have been times when Martha got a little too busy, or became preoccupied with what needed to be done. To the Lord, however, Martha’s way was precious to Him, as precious as any of the other things done for Him.

Martha served Him, Mary anointed Him.

To Christ, both sisters – Mary and Martha – did what they did because they were moved by love for Him.




Of Use to God

Mud and spittle.

Rods and branches.

Jawbones, pebbles, and slings.

Lamps, pitchers, torches, and trumpets.

Milky curds in a lordly dish, a hammer, and a tent peg.

Two mites. Five loaves. Two fish.

Just a thread.

These are some of the things God has employed to accomplish His purposes.

Fragile, fickle, feckless fishermen.

Busy, bothered, uptight homemakers.

Sad, bewildered, battered whores.

Miserly, deceptive, tax-collecting cheats.

These were and are the friends found near Jesus Christ.

The weak, the foolish, and the faltering — such as these flock to Him, to His open arms and open table.

This confounds the worldly wise who cannot look beyond themselves to Someone eternal and invisible and merciful.

See who sits with Him.

A supplanter, a huckster, a master of manipulation and disguise, this guy weaseled the birthright away from his brother and, yet, encountered God. He wrestled with the Almighty in the night, until the break of day. When the match was all over, the trickster got a new name — Israel, prince with God. A promotion came and so did 12 sons.

A soldier on the run wound up in a cave. Surrounded by a gang of the distressed, the indebted, and the deranged, he carried on. He refused to strike down his enemy even when he was within an arm’s length; this wasn’t his right. The war-hardened outcasts followed the man with a heart after God and grew mighty with honorable exploits, near and far. He gained the throne for himself and his own. Did he clutch and climb? He did not – he sang songs from the heart.

But, eclipses happen, even to the brightest. This heart was shadowed and cooked by the heat of passion. This man stole the wife of his soldier and friend and then, by military directive, set up his soldier and friend to take an arrow and die.

His collection of songs, however, live on. We sing them still; for he bowed before the Lord. Chastened and contrite, he staggered to the throne of mercy. Repentance ruled him and brought revival and renewal. This champion in battle became a child in confession.

See the cruel robber arrested and condemned. He hung beside the Son on a hill far away, at dark Calvary. At first, he grumbled and mumbled; he mocked along with the mob.

“Father, forgive them — for they know not what they do.”

These words the robber heard, and they cut deep into his heart. Could He forgive even one such as him?

Out went the cry, “Lord, remember me. …”

Back came the promise, “Today, you will be with Me — in Paradise.”

Paradise? Seriously? For one like this? For one whose ankles already touch the fire?

A self-righteous, ruthless, murderous, religious zealot wreaked havoc on the earliest followers of the Way. Light from Heaven blinded him and threw him from his high horse, literally and figuratively. When his eyes opened again, he began to move and minister life like no other.

The  persecutor of the Crucified turned preacher of the Cross and finished work faith, giving us words that fit like armor and make us to know we do more than conquer.

These, Jesus welcomes and uses.  Yes, His Church is very much a collection of misfits and castaways and, even, madmen.

His Gospel speaks and it says, “Come as you are.”

And, come, many do. But things rarely go happily ever after. These are human beings after all, fallen ones who still fall.

A lot.

Meaning and mystery collide and there are disasters aplenty – words misspoken, concepts misconstrued, actions angry and apathetic.

Through it all, there are the faithful — those who stand true; those who make a difference. And, they are not few.

Let us name some and be quickened today.

Clement. Polycarp. Perpetua. Cecilia. Ireneaus.

Augustine. Pascal. Kierkegaard.

Mueller. Nightingale. Livingstone. Taylor.

Copernicus. Galileo. Newton. Faraday. Kelly. Collins.

Wesley. Francis. Theresa. Savarognola. Tyndale. Bonhoeffer.

Bach. Rembrandt. Watts. Duerer. Bono.

Wilberforce. Wurmbrand. Tubman. Lincoln. King.

Edwards. Whitefield. Moody. Sheen. Sunday. John Paul. Graham.

Martyrs, philosophers, scientists, doctors, nurses, parliamentarians, and preachers – these have shined and others will, too.

There’s no telling what Christ will do, but He will do it with His Church. He draws people in and then they go out, alive with message and mission. They are stirred in their calling, refreshed through communion, edified in fellowship, and awestruck by worship.

They see God big and beautiful. They do not consider themselves small; they simply know that He is all in all.


What We Really Need to Know

Ecclesiastes presents itself in our Bibles between Proverbs and Song of Solomon, right in the Wisdom literature neighborhood, set near the Psalms. Its language arrests us because it is so stark.

Vanity, all is vanity; so goes the writer’s initial conclusions. This is the “way” of life, to live in empty pursuits that only beget more and more questions. The chapters of Ecclesiastes run like a stream of consciousness as the writer describes his adventures of exploration. He was after some answers, but those answers seemed to supply no comfort to him.

Mirth and merriment, scholarship and examination, buildings and business – this man tried all of these things. None of them amounted to much in his search for fulfillment.

What is it that we really need to know? Much wisdom brings much grief, more knowledge means more sorrow. This is the message of Ecclesiastes 1:18, and this becomes clearer and clearer as we page through these verses.

Ours is an era of information overload. We know so much about so many things. Sadly, a lot of the information we collect relates to things trivial, to celebrity lifestyles, to nostalgic reminiscences, to political preferences and the like.

This lust to know is what fuels the popularity of a multitude of TV networks. Many hours are dedicated to various kinds of cooking competitions, to endless junkyard pursuits, to pawn shop practices, and to the ins and outs of home renovation and restoration. We see all manner of folks fighting it out for prizes and their 15 minutes of fame.

These are vain presentations for vain times.

Ecclesiastes is an important book of truth. Though its run of thoughts can sometimes seem hard to follow, these words are written to tell it like is. It is not a book of pessimism, but a book of realism.

What Ecclesiastes gives us, I think, is a great description of what life is like when it is lived at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. There, at that tree, no answer is ever good enough, nothing ever fully satisfies. The passages in Ecclesiastes bristle with the sense of frustration and futility the writer is feeling.

Empty pursuits — surprise — leave us empty.

One conclusion that is reached early in the book is that man is not made to know it all. He is just not equipped for it. “God has put eternity into men’s hearts, so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end” (Ecclesiastes 3:10).

Consider Job. In his trials, Job demanded a meeting with the Lord. He wanted to face the Almighty and hear Him give an account for the sufferings he endured. When God revealed Himself, He stunned Job with a lengthy series of questions for which the man had no answers.

The end result was that Job chose to lay his hand over his mouth. He was chastened that he had spoken of things “too wonderful” for him (see Job 42).

“Great is the mystery of godliness,” Paul wrote at the start of  1 Timothy 3:16. He proceeded to include a type of hymn or creed:  “God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”

This string of statements relates to the Person of Jesus Christ. These are some of the things that we really need to know and hold fast.

When we read the Bible, we find that there is really very little mystery about who and what Jesus claimed to be. He, in His own words, said He came from Heaven, that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that no one can come to the Father but by Him.

Do we really believe this? We have to answer this question for ourselves day after day.

The reality presented in the Word is that God Himself became one of us. He took on flesh and bone. He chose to get down into the dust, to be one of us, so He could make us one with Him. He lived His life in fulfillment of all of the Law and then laid it down for us, all of us, at the Cross. Beyond the Cross, He was resurrected and now has been received into glory.

These are the things worth knowing.

Here’s something else worth knowing:  God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever would believe would not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

Ecclesiastes ends with one magnificent conclusion:  the whole of man is to fear God and follow His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). All the thoughts collected there set up this one supreme truth – the fear of the Lord is the key to all knowing.

Do you seek to be whole? Do you long to be fulfilled? Honor God and love Him with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Jesus pointed to these the basic commandments as ultimate guides for living (see Mark 12:28-31).

Mystery? It seems to be that this is more of man’s making. The worldly ways of thinking bring complication and confusion. Yes, God is eternal and hides much about Himself and Creation from us. The secret things do belong to Him (Deuteronomy 29:29).

However, God hasn’t left us in the dark about the most important thing of all, and He says it like this: “I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3).

So simple. So clear. Believe this and receive it.

A Witness That Speaks Large

Toward the end of the book of Joshua, we read of a conflict that sprung up among the tribes of Israel. At the center of it all was a big altar named “Ed” — “And the children of Reuben and the children of Gad called the altar Ed: for it shall be a witness between us that the Lord is God” (Joshua 22:34).

This was literally an east side/west side controversy. The tribes of Reuben and Gad, along with half of the tribe of Manasseh, had settled down in the territory east of the Jordan River. The lands in that place were suitable for the herds that belonged to these tribes. So they decided to petition Moses for permanent residency status in this space.

Israel as a whole had conquered the kings of these lands – Og of Bashan and Sihon of Heshbon. Now, this portion of the Chosen People wanted to stay put. Years of wandering had certainly taken their toll upon them. Who could blame them for wanting to settle in and plant roots for their children?

At first, Moses balked. After nearly four decades of roaming the wilderness, Israel had its destination in sight; it lay just across the river.  Beyond the Jordan, to the west, was Canaan, the place God had promised to Abraham and his seed centuries before.

Moses had watched and labored in care for God’s people. He remembered the last time they had come this close to the Promised Land. A team of 12 spied out the Land and found it wonderfully alive with all the plenty that the Lord had told them about. But Canaan also was occupied, and the nations there were large and strong; their cities had walls and armies.

Intimidation got the best of 10 spies. Their report stirred fear in the hearts of Israel. A rebellious element among the people sought to destroy Moses. Then, the glory of God appeared; a plague swept away these fearful men, leaving alive only Caleb and Joshua of the spy troop. And, so began a 40-year odyssey as God thinned the tribes of the disobedient.

Were the men of Gad, Reuben, and the half-tribe of Manasseh fearful of the wars to come in Canaan? Moses wondered. Were the children of Israel about to make a decision that would leave them as nomads forever?

The two-and-a-half tribes made a proposal. Their fighting men would cross over the Jordan and go before the other tribes. They would lead the fight for Canaan until every corner was conquered and space was provided for their brothers and sisters. Then, these warriors would return to the east side of the river to their families and the futures there.

Moses agreed to the arrangement, and the men of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh kept their end of the bargain — the full account is found in Numbers 32 and Joshua 22.

The battles for Canaan ended; the fighting men crossed east across the Jordan. They had participated in all the conquests and brought back much spoil to their homes.

And, yet, the two-and-a-half tribes felt something was missing.

The Jordan’s waters separated the tribes geographically, and the east side dwellers began to sense some disconnection. It was a spiritual detachment that they felt, for the Tabernacle, the worship center for Israel with the Ark of the Covenant, was set up in Shiloh, on the west side.

Enter Ed the altar.

The Hebrew “Ed” means witness. The east side tribes erected a large replica of the altar located in Shiloh to the west. They situated the structure at the place where the Jordan parted and the people at last crossed into Canaan on dry ground.

The west side tribes were immediately alarmed and prepared to wage war on their brothers. They saw the erection of the big altar as a step toward idolatry. Hundreds had perished in the wilderness at Baal-peor, where the Moabites’ pagan practices captivated some of the people with their idols.

“Get right with God and come across the river, or prepare to die,” was the message sent east from the west side of the Jordan.

Those living in the east practiced some speedy diplomacy and answered the threat:

“The Lord God of gods, the Lord God of gods, he knoweth, and Israel he shall know; if it be in rebellion, or if in transgression against the Lord, (save us not this day,)  that we have built us an altar to turn from following the Lord, or if to offer thereon burnt offering or meat offering, or if to offer peace offerings thereon, let the Lord himself require it; and if we have not rather done it for fear of this thing, saying, In time to come your children might speak unto our children, saying, What have ye to do with the Lord God of Israel?” (Joshua 22:22-24).

This response prevented a civil war, but it also reveals something about the heart of the people who chose to stop short of the Promised Land. They feared for their reputation and how their tribes would be viewed in the future.

A less than full expression of faith does something to the people of God. It leaves them wanting. And, Ed the big altar represents an attempt to compensate for these feelings.

Many efforts to mimic true worship become out-sized, like the east side tribes’ symbol set up near the Jordan. It was made large so that it could not escape notice.  Other false altars are shiny displays of strength as with the golden bulls set up by King Jeroboam in 1 Kings 11. Solomon’s Temple and the one built later by Herod the Great at Jerusalem also were massive and ornate edifices.

These displays of religion run contrary to the message of the Gospel. The way of Christ is a narrow one found by few. The Voice of the Lord did thunder at times, but for the most part it came in a whisper, still and small. The Ark of the Covenant with its Mercy Seat and cherubim figures was relatively small (approximately 52 inches long, 31 inches tall, and 31 inches wide). The Ark fit behind a set of curtains, to be seen only by the high priests who served the Tabernacle and Temple.

Our witness — our “Ed” – becomes big in other ways. It is larger than large; it is eternal, and it is marked by love shed abroad in our hearts. It is revealed quietly and effectively by those of us who embrace God’s Word and its promises.

We stand tall, especially when we are on our knees in prayers and intercessions. Our witness is the work of the One who’s made His home in us. We reveal the Lord not by our might, nor by our power, nor by our size. We reveal Him in Spirit and in Truth.